What is Website Traffic ?

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Website traffic is a pretty general term in online marketing  and refers to the number of users visiting a website. It is measured daily (or monthly)  by the number of unique visitors and number of pages view.

Google Analytics is the tool of choice which will give you many insights about the visitors to your website and classify web traffic  in several categories as we explain below

website traffic in cambodia

Traffic to your website will depend on your SEO  and overall marketing strategy and can vary greatly even from businesses in the same industry in the same physical location.



Direct traffic

This traffic is acquired by users typing directly your website url into their internet browser. It is usually is not very important for most site.


Referral traffic

Referral traffic refers to traffic coming from another website linking your content (it can be a specific page or your homepage). Google Analytics includes in referral traffic the one which is coming to other search engines such as Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Qwant and others….


Organic traffic

Organic traffic is very important as it is coming from users  looking for specific keywords on a search engine. This  type of traffic is probably the most relevant is more likely  to convert into sales as it is done with an intent. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is  key to improve this category of traffic and it  always start by a in-depth SEO audit.


Social traffic

As indicated it is traffic coming from social networks such as Facebook or Instagram. It is an important source of traffic but it  might not convert as many sales as the organic traffic.