LPG Endermologie | Cellu M6 LPG



Plus de 100 praticiens LPG Endermologie sont enregistrés sur le site  officiel de LPG ce qui donne une idée de la compétition locale pour cette activité.

8 centres de beauté et 1 centre de chirurgie plastique sont sur la première page  de Google.fr avec la recherche   “LPG endermologie Bordeaux“. Des résultats similaires sont visibles avec une recherche “cellu M6 Bordeaux



Être présent en page 1 de Google avec votre site internet pour des recherches liées au LPG endermologie (par exemple “séance lpg bordeaux” ou encore  “cellu M6 bordeaux”) vous permettra de trouver régulièrement de nouveaux clients.  Par contre, ceci n’ arrive pas tout seul et un travail de référencement naturel sur plusieurs mois  est nécessaire pour obtenir des résultats durables dans le temps.





Le référencement payant peut être intéressant pour des campagnes ponctuelles mais leur effet reste limité dans le temps. Le problème majeur est que n’importe qui peut payer des pubs Google et que le prix du clic augmente avec le nombre d’annonceurs. Même pour une recherche locale comme “cellu M6 Bordeaux” la société LPG systems paye Google Ads  avec ses deux sites https://www.endermologie.com/ et lpgsystems.com et par conséquent contribuer à augmenter le prix du clic.




Le LPG Endermologie est une technologie révolutionnaire développé en 1986 par un ingénieur français, Louis Paul Guitay . Blessé suite a  un accident de voiture, ce dernier ayant subi des séances douloureuses de massages palper-rouler Pendant cette période difficile, il a eu l’idée d’automatiser le massage palper-rouler et de le rendre moins douloureux, c’était la naissance d’une nouvelle technologie a qui il donnera ses initiales:  LPG encore connu sous le nom LPG endermologie.

Depuis 30 ans, Le LPG s’est imposé comme  un traitement efficace, non invasif, pour traiter les cicatrices et les brûlures, lisser les rides, améliorer le teint de la peau ou encore réduire la cellulite.




1985 : Premier brevet déposé par Louis-Paul Guitay (LPG)
1986 : Commercialisation de la première machine LPG en France
1998 : Le  FDA (Food and Drug Administration) valide le LPG. Commercialisation de la première machine LPG aux États-Unis.
2013 : Invention de la tête Ergolift, utilisée pour le LPG Endermologie visage
2014 : Sortie de la Wellbox, kit de soins LPG à domicile. Sortie de la plateforme de formation et de rééducation Huber 360
2016 : LPG systems dépose à l’INPI plusieurs  modèles de nouvelles têtes et une nouvelle machine LPG.
2017: Mise sur le marché de la  nouvelle machine LPG cellu M6 Alliance.





L’élément clef d’un appareil LPG est sa tête de traitement équipée de rouleaux indépendants et motorisés qui agissent simultanément sur les cellules (les fibroblastes) et le tissu conjonctif pour stimuler la production de collagène et d’élastine. Cette stimulation cellulaire  permet également de déstocker les graisses (lipolyse) et contribue a l’augmentation de la circulation veineuse et lymphatique.


Si vous optez pour la publicité Google (Google Ads), vos concurrents peuvent également acheter les mêmes mots-clés et se positionner au-dessus de vous.



Le LPG visage  ou Endermolift est un traitement non chirurgical 100% naturel commercialisé en 2013. Il est souvent décrit comme un massage facial  profond ou comme un lifting non chirurgical.

L’endermologie visage a prouvé son efficacité pour réduire les rides du visage, du cou et du décolleté. Il éclaircit également le teint de la peau et atténue le double menton (soin amincissant du visage).
Pour celles qui ne sont pas prêtes à subir une intervention chirurgicale comme une blépharoplastie, le LPG visage peut également être utilisé en lifting non chirurgical des yeux : de bons résultats ont été obtenus pour réduire les rides du contour des yeux, les yeux gonflés et également gommer les cernes.

Ergolift, la tête de massage utilisée dans les soins du visage LPG, est un appareil à clapets qui produit des micro-battements. Cette activation mécanique va avoir un effet régénérant sur la peau grâce à un drainage de la micro-circulation lymphatique et sanguine. Lors d’un soin LPG visage, deux types de clapets sont utilisés  en fonction de la zone du visage à traiter.

Un traitement Endermolift dure en général 30 min mais des sessions plus courtes de 20 minutes existent en mode détox ou pour clarifier le teint de la peau.


Le LPG visage est efficace pour les traitements anti-âge  ci-dessous:

  • Repulpage des lèvres.
  • Comblement des rides du lion.
  • Comblement des rides de la patte d’oie.
  • Réduction des poches sous les yeux.




Combien coûte une séance d'Endermolift ?

En 2022, le prix d’une séance  Endermolift Cellu M6 en France est facturée à environ 60 Euros pour une durée moyenne de 30 minutes.

Le LPG visage Endermolift est t-il douloureux?

Pas du tout. Une séance d’Endermolift cellu M6 est plutôt une expérience relaxante malgré le bruit de succion provenant de la tête de traitement.

Est-ce que le LPG visage est efficace?

Les effets du LPG visage sont visibles dès la première séance avec une sensation de bien-être et une amélioration du teint de la peau. Avec plus de séances d’Endermolift vous constaterez un effet tenseur sur certaines parties du visages et un comblement de certaines ridules. L’ovale du visage peut également être  redessiné.

Qui peut pratiquer le Cellu M6 ?

Le Cellu M6 est pratiqué par les kinésithérapeutes, ostéopathes, des chirurgiens esthétiques  mais aussi par de nombreux non professionnels de santé comme les esthéticiennes dans les salons et instituts de beauté.

Est-ce que le LPG fait maigrir ?

Non, le LPG ne fait pas maigrir mais comme il permet un drainage  lymphatique et un déstockage des graisses il n’est pas rare de perdre plusieurs centimètres de taille après plusieurs séances de LPG.


    Siem Reap Yoga | Yoga Retreat Siem Reap 2022

    siem reap yoga.yoga siem reap

    Last updated on August 2022

    hariharalaya meditation and yoga retreat center in siem reap


    In 2010, there was only one place offering  yoga classes in Siem Reap.

    For years, Siem Reap was unnoticed as a yoga destination until 2015, when the first international Day of Yoga brought Siem Reap to the attention of the international yoga community. Due to its proximity to the temples of Angkor and the famous Angkor Wat temple, it is not surprising that Siem Reap aspired to become a yoga destination in South East Asia  like Bali or Chiang Mai.

    More Siem Reap yoga centers opened after this event and  few focused on the more lucrative activities of yoga teacher training with some giving free  drop-in yoga classes.

    From 2015 to  2020, the number of yoga studios and yoga centers in Siem Reap increased steadily to up to 10 locations. The yogi community grew as more yoga freelance teachers were attracted to Siem Reap as a base to teach yoga at one or more locations.

    As a way of differentiating their business and attracting wellness-conscious customers, hotels started offering yoga classes and retreats. There were even luxury hotels that offered private yoga classes.


    In March 2020, when Cambodia closes its borders few yoga places managed to keep going relying on tourists stuck in Cambodia and foreigners living there. Unfortunately it is also the year when many yoga centers in Siem Reap closed down.

    2021 was a very quiet year for yoga in Siem Reap although few yoga teachers proposed  online yoga by zoom, the so called “pandemic yoga”. Some gyms offered yoga classes  as well as restaurants in a bid to attract customers.





    As of 2022, the yoga business landscape in Siem Reap is very different from its golden years of 2018 and 2019. The activities of some yoga retreat centers have been relocated within Siem Reap province, Phnom Penh, Kep and Kampot. Yoga is currently most popular in Kampot and Kep, while Siem Reap is still far from regaining its crown.  Two new yoga studios have opened in Siem Reap at the end of 2022 and we expect few more to open in 2023.



    Yoga TTC stands for Yoga Teacher Training Course,  and it is also referred to as YTT  (Yoga Teacher Training). It is possible to complete a yoga teacher training program of 200 hours, 300 hours, or even 500 hours. Although becoming a yoga instructor is the ultimate goal, getting enrolled in a YTT can also be very fulfilling.

    Yoga Alliance is the most famous certification that includes an annual fee for both yoga schools and yoga teachers.

    In order to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance, a teacher must complete a yoga training with a Registered Yoga School (RYS).

    The most communs credentials from Yoga Alliance are: Registered Yoga Teacher 200, Registered Yoga Teacher 500, Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher 200, Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher 500

    TTC  is a profitable activity for yoga centers in Siem Reap, as courses range between 500 and 2500 USD depending on duration and teaching style.


    In Cambodia, you can teach yoga in many different places, including yoga retreat centers, hotels, yoga schools, and even NGOs.

    These yoga jobs are advertised on websites or social media pages, or on websites that specialize in yoga jobs like yogatraveljobs and yogatrade.

    Yoga jobs include paid positions as a yoga teacher for which you have to be certified.  Other paid jobs can include managing a yoga center in Siem Reap. There are also volunteer opportunities and work exchange opportunities.


    Workaway is another platform where you can find  many yoga work exchange or volunteer jobs. As part of a work exchange, you can for example work as a social media community manager and get free yoga classes, food, and lodging.



    Meditation retreats allow you to concentrate on your inner self, away from your daily occupations and daily distractions.  During your silent meditation retreat in Siem Reap (vipassana), you are usually required to remain silent, only speaking to the teacher

    A meditation retreat serves as a digital detox retreat, in which your phone and laptop are left in the retreat’s locker during the retreat’s duration.



      • Only one website is ranking  for the keywords “siem reap yoga” and “yoga siem reap”.
      • Two websites are ranking but not really competing for yoga related keywords.
      • So far, only one yoga center  is using Google Ads.
      • One yoga retreat center  leveraged its brand successfully to get organic search traffic from Google.


    Many yoga centers are using Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns in order to build a  quick Google presence and bring organic traffic to their website.  However they often skip the tedious task of keyword research which is very important step in SEO.

    With PPC,  advertiser pays a fee each time  a user clicks on their ad that is placed on the top of Google maps and organic search results.

    PPC is not SEO and SEO is not PPC !

    SEO is a complex discipline that requires a step by step and very methodic approach to get results from SEO audit to onpage and offpage SEO.

    SEO will give  a long lasting competitive advantage on search results, brings brand awaress and trust (some people do not click on sponsored ads).


    Organic SEO has overall a better cost-per-click than Google Ads as there is not charges for each click.

    Although  they can be expensive,  SEO services are cost-effective on the long run.

    With Google Ads,  your competitors can also buy the same keywords and position themselves above you. Often, yoga platforms like BookYogaRetreats  or BookRetreats and  Trip Advisor/Viator are paying ads  to get a dominant position on the first page of Google.


    How many yoga centers are in Siem Reap in 2022?

    In July 2022, we could find only two yoga retreat centers in  Siem Reap, only 3 kilometers apart, one focusing more on long yoga retreats.

    How much is a yoga class in Siem Reap?

    In 2022, the price of a drop-in yoga class in Siem Reap was between 7 to USD 8 depending on the venue.

    What is the difference between RYT and YTT?

    In Yoga, RYT stands for  Registered Yoga Teacher. Meanwhile, YTT stands for Yoga Teacher Training. Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) is required to become an RYT. YTT is also called TTC

    What types of Yoga can I find in Siem Reap?

    Among the most popular types of Yoga you can find in Siem are: Hatha yoga, Iyengar yoga, Kundalini yoga, Power yoga, Restorative yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Ashtanga yoga, yin yoga

    How long is a meditation retreat?

    Although you can find shorter retreats, Vipassana silent retreats typically last about ten days.


      Massage Phnom Penh | Best spa in Phnom Penh

      phnom penh massage,spa phnom penh

      Last updated on July 2022




      The fastest way to rank your spa’s website on the first page of Google and starting getting leads is to buy keywords through Google Ads.


      Cost-per-click (CPC) for massage related keywords in 2022 varies depending on how many businesses pay for it. Since several keywords are required to drive enough traffic and leads, you can can end up paying between $100 and  $300 per month for Google Ads.

      With Google Ads,  your competitors can also buy the same keywords and position themselves above you. Often, OTA’s like  Trip Advisor/Viator are paying ads  to get a dominant position on the first page of Google.


      Our Phnom SEO services will help you ranking your websites higher  on search engines like Google. Having as many relevant keywords on the first page and even on the top three of the search results page is important.

      Travel Advisor/Viator, travel blogs are on the top of the search results for “phnom penh massage” on Google and are getting clicks

      While Phnom Penh spas’ websites are visually appealing, they are not optimized for search engines, that is why none are ranking on the top of Google and that Google Ads is often used to drive traffic.


      As of 2022, no spa’s website is ranking on the top 3 of Google for popular searches like “phnom penh massage” or “massage phnom penh“. Most of the clicks are going to platforms such as Trip Advisor/Viator.

      In the long run, getting direct bookings from Google is more sustainable than paying for Google Ads. With SEO services,  you can stay on page 1 for months or even years, increasing your business’s visibility and brand recognition.



        • 4 spas  managed to leverage  brand searches  on Google to get significant traffic.
        • Only 7 websites managed to get organic traffic either through branded or from more general searches such as  “massage phnom penh” and “spa phnom penh”.
        • Out of 12 websites, 3 do not get traffic at all or very little from Google search.




      In July 2022, we listed  just above 10 standalone spas in Phnom Penh with a website. This number does not include the luxury spas operating in some hotels.

      Like in 2019, there were fewer spas and massages in Phnom Penh than in Siem Reap in 2022.

      Few spas were forced to close due to the pandemic and a few spas were relocated from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh in 2021 and 2022.



      In many spas in Phnom Penh you will find other treatments to complement your massage such as:

      Swedish massage and anti-age facial

      Body wrap with herbs and body massage

      Body scrub with salt and aromatherapy  massage

      Foot scrub reflexology massage

      Traditional Khmer massage and spa bath


      Where can I get a massage in Phnom Penh?

      Most of Phnom Penh massages and spas are located in  Tuol Tompoung or BKK1, or near the riverside around Street 174.

      How much is a massage in Phnom Penh?

      In 2022, prices of massage and spa services in Phnom Penh are affordable, but more expensive than in Siem Reap. A 1-hour khmer massage (without oil) is  priced between 15 and  USD 20.

      What is the cheapest massage in Phnom Penh?

      In 2022, the cheapest massage in Phnom Penh is a 1-hour foot massage for which you will expect to pay  between 5 and 10 US dollars.


        What is link indexing?

        what is link indexing, google link indexing

        Page indexing and link indexing are important topics in SEO and are  often overlooked and misunderstood by beginners. Indexing can be a critical step in link building and is also important for your website.

        Before reading this post, we would suggest to read our blog  what are backlinks to have some better context.




        For Google, the whole process starts by crawling:  bots, called  googlebots,  crawling the web for pages. Google has different bots  for mobile, desktop, video, photo, news.

        After crawling the pages are rendered and finally, if content is worthy  for Google, added to the index. The process is not as straightforward as it seems….

        New content is indexed faster when linked to published content. That is why orphaned pages are difficult to index.

        what is google index, google indexing library

        Google has two separate indexes (primary and secondary) which are the desktop index and the mobile index.

        in 2016, Google announced that the primary index was switched from desktop to mobile. This was done to reflect the trend that most searches were now done with mobile phones. You can check this by yourself by looking at your website’s Google analytics.

        A consequence of this change is that mobile search results are slightly different than desktop search results.

        This also means that mobile search results reflect more quickly changes being made to your website.

        Indexing is the process by which google extracts the most relevant information and adds them to the index. When you execute a search, Google displays the best information based on the index. The index is similar to a library where billions of web pages are stored and organized. Actually, Google’s index size is not as big as we might think….. As many pages on the internet are spam or do not carry useful information the goal for Google is have the best index possible and not the largest.

        It was confirmed recently that Google does not crawl the whole content of a website  and therefore index  a limited number of pages (https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-not-indexing-site/416717/)

        These information  about indexing are now displayed on your google search console as pages discovered but not indexed. Content can be crawled and indexed later, or not….




        Google search console is a powerful tool to check if you currently have indexing issues with your website. On the left handside you will found the Index–> coverage section.

        Pages that Google did not include in the index, are presented in different categories:

        Redirect error

        Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag

        Crawled – currently not indexed

        Page with redirect

        Alternate page with proper canonical tag

        Not found (404)

        Discovered – currently not indexed

        Soft 404

        Duplicate, Google chose different canonical than user

        Duplicate, submitted URL not selected as canonical



        The first thing to check is  if the robots.txt file allows bots to visit the page. If robots are blocked from crawling pages with the disallow command, the message below will be displayed by Google mobile-friendly test. If a page is blocked, it can neither be crawled nor fetched by robots.

        indexing page blocked robots



        Once you have made sure that a page can be crawled, you have to check if this page does not have a noindex tag.

        The noindex  tag will prevent a page to appear on Google search results.

        As you can see on the screenshot below, a page with the no-index can still be crawled and fetched by  Googlebot smartphone.

        no index page crawled and fetched by robots


        Link indexing is a task that is getting more and more difficult in 2021 and 2022  for SEO agencies and freelancers. Numerous threads of complaints of low success rate can be found in SEO forums. What took days to index before can take weeks now. We experienced our first difficulties in indexing links back in February 2020 and it did not get better in 2021 and 2022, far from it….

        To increase indexing rates, some people have developed indexers. Indexers are platforms built by a third party to force the indexing process. Few of them are free, and as expected, have a low success rate. In 2022, you can find more than 10 paid indexing services on the marketplace  which have different indexing rates.
        Indexers  usually propose monthly packages to index thousand of links but can work also with  a more flexible credit system if you have to index a small amount of links over few months. Sending a link to an indexer costs between 0.01 and 0.02 USD.



        It is not because a link has been indexed that it will stay indexed forever. We noticed on few occasions that links were being deindexed by Google.
        Few reasons can come to mind to explain this: either links were not well connected or Google finally considered that these links were not relevant and not worth being in the index.
        It is also possible that the hosting platform where the backlinks are decided to add noindex tags. It was the case for the publishing platform Medium which started implementing the noindex tag in the first half of 2021.



        Getting webpages crawled and indexed is very important so  they can appear on search results and start getting organic traffic and  conversions.

        For parasite SEO, indexing is a key  step as the goal is to have your parasite showing up on the SERP.

        For backlinks, is indexing as important as webpages and parasites?

        As we discussed before, backlinks are important in SEO. One much debated topic in SEO forums and groups is if do-follow backlinks need to be crawled or fully indexed to count for SEO e.g pass power.

        Many think that backlinks need to be fully indexed to pass power to the money website. A minority seems to  think that getting backlinks crawled by bots is enough.

        Finally some think that links crawled by bots counts for SEO but as not much  as the ones fully indexed.





        If you do not want to wait for your links to appear on Google Search Console, Semrush or Ahrefs dashboards, you can check links one by one by performing one of the three searches below on Google:

        http://www.link1.com (leads to broader results)



        This technique is not always precise as sometime a link do not show up on google search but does on Ahref or Semrush.

        When you want to check the  backlinks of your money site or another page, you will notice some differences between Semrush and Ahrefs so it is good to use both.

        If you have a list to check, zenserp has a free Google Index Checker Tool and gives some decent results.

        Another index checker  by Linkody  is Index Checkr which has a paid version to check links in bulk for as low as $0.0011 per check.




        Web pages can take few hours, days or even weeks to get indexed. Your content will be approved very fast  if your website is Google News approved, . To speed up the indexing process you can request bots to visit your pages via Google Search Console but results are not guaranteed.

        As mentioned earlier, indexing backlinks is more difficult than indexing your web pages and SEO indexers are widely used for this purpose  .We noticed that indexing issues on Google were linked to Google updates. SemRush has a useful tool called Semrush sensor which measures the SERP’s volatility and therefore an indication of Google updates (even non announced). If volatility is high, it is likely that indexing remains  difficult so it is better to wait until the volatility index comes down to send links to your favorite indexer.

        What are Backlinks?

        google backlink nodes

        what are backlinks

        In this blog we will  discuss backlinks and why are they so important for SEO in 2021. After some general considerations, we will focus on backlinks  created by links insertion. If you want to read about other modes of  acquisition I would recommend to read the article of Backlinkto about backlinks.

        What are backlinks?

        Backlinks are  inbound links (hyperlinks)  to a  website or page.  Hyperlinks  were developed at the very beginning of the word wide web and used to navigate  the web before the existence of search engines. Backlinks are  also used by  web crawlers  to discover new content.

        Why  backlinks are important |  Page Rank Algorithm

        Crawling,  indexing and displaying content in a relevant  way is very challenging task  and even if it is not perfect,  Google is leading the way as the most used search engine today.

        The page-rank algorithm patented by the future CEO of Google, Larry Page, was strongly based on  backlinks to display relevant content on search engines.

        As stated on US patent US6285999B1  Method for node ranking in a linked database,  page-rank interprets  a link from a page A to B as a vote by page A to B for content relevancy.

        If page A is very authoritative (has a high page rank) it will increase the ranking of page B on search results.

        google page rank algorithm

        Although it is difficult to say how much of the  original page rank algorithm remains in today Google’s algorithm,  backlinks are still  an important ranking factor.

        What are Backlinks | Do-follow and no-follow backlinks

        It is very important when doing link building to differentiate   between a  do-follow backlink  and a  no-follow backlink. Do-follow links contrary to no-follow,  pass authority to the destination page and therefore  increase its ranking  on Google.

        No-follow links were setup in 2005 by Google to fight against spam and ranking manipulation. In 2020, Google decided to change the reading of no-follow as a hint rather than a directive. It is therefore advisable to have a mix of do-follow and no-follow links in your backlink profile.

        You can check if a link is  no-follow by opening checking the page source code with your browser and look for the rel=”nofollow” HTML tag (it is placed after the attribute href).

        Google recently introduced new attributes: rel=”sponsored” to be used for advertisements and paid links and rel=”ugc” for user-generated content links such as comments and forum posts.

        As quoted by Google, “Links marked with these rel attributes will generally not be followed” but these links can still be crawled.

        After a backlink campaign using quality  do-follow backlinks,  we always see an improvement of page ranking especially for long tail keywords. Backlinks can be directed to the homepage, a product page or a blog article.

        Sometime you can see the attribute rel= “noreferrer” on a do-follow link. It just means that Google Analytics will not show any info about from the referral traffic, it will be classified as direct traffic.


        You might see also the attribute rel= “noopener” which is used more as a safety net to avoid malicious attack on opening windows (target=”_blank”)

        What are Backlinks |Profile and Contextual Backlinks

        A profile page,  like its name indicates, is a page with one of more  link added on it.  Sometime a link can be surrounded by a large amount of text up to  several thousand words but there is no anchor text.

        Depending on the page design,  other links can be present (on the footer or  menu) and therefore can dilute the power of the page.

        profile backlink page

        A page with contextual backlink(s) can have many links with anchor text and in some cases, pictures and videos can be inserted as well. A blog  is a good example of a webpage with contextual links in which  visual content can be added.

        quality contextual backlink

        contextual backlink
        Page containing two contextual backlinks and media (images and YouTube videos)


        What are Backlinks | Backlinks indexation

        Backlink generation is a tedious work but once a backlink is live, it has yet to be crawled and indexed  by search engines. Indexation can be the bottleneck for backlink generation. It is a difficult task and a somewhat controversial topic  which we will discuss in another blog post.

        What are Backlinks | How to measure  backlinks quality

        When Google stopped using the page rank metric, other companies filled the void and developed their own metrics to measure domain and page authority.
        Link building providers are using these metrics to market their services, with the different acronyms below:

        DA/PA:  domain and page authority (Moz metrics)

        DR/UR: domain and url ratings (Ahrefs metric)

        TF/CF: trust flow and citation flow (Majestic metrics)

        DA/PA are probably the most commonly used metrics on SEO marketplaces.

        However, these metrics  can be easily manipulated (you can find plenty  of SEO services to artificially increase your DA/PA). It is therefore important to have more metrics  to measure the quality of a backlink.

        Additional metrics to look at are: number of backlinks and  domains connected to the page, number of  organic keywords for which the domain or subdomain are ranking for.

        It is important to get a rough idea about the organic traffic on the domain or subdomain and to know about the geographic origin of the traffic. For all these metrics, we  recommend to use Semrush.

        How do I check backlinks to my site?

        With time, on top of  backlinks created by you or a SEO agency, you have probably earned few backlinks you did not know about. It is not uncommun especially if you have unique content on your site that people are linking to you.

        The first option you have to check backlinks to your website  is to look at the links section of  your Google Search Console. However you will find out that not all of them are there.

        Another option is look up for backlinks using Ahrefs free backlink checker. However, the free version is limited to the top 100 backlinks.

        For a limited time, the backlink analytic section of Semrush is free with no limitation in the number of backlinks. You can access it by clicking the image below. You can also with these tools analyze  the backlinks of your competitors as well.

        free backlinks checker semrush

        japan backlink services

        link buidling france, french backlinks service

        Parasite SEO in 2021

        parasite seo 2022

        You have probably come across the term parasite SEO in forums wondering  what it was all  about and maybe you saw these peculiar webpages ranking  on the  page 1 of Google ahead of very authoritive websites.

        What is parasite SEO ?

        what is parasite seo, parasite seo 2021

        Parasite SEO, also referred sometime as parasite hosting or barnacle SEO, is the process of ranking a page  attached to a domain, taking advantage of its high authority on Google and hence able to rank with some keywords relatively easily without having a website.

        How can I use a parasite page ?


        As a landing page for affiliate marketing.

        As  a buffer page  to increase  organic traffic to your website.

        As an entity for Brand management.

        parasite seo training 2021

        Not all  parasites are equals


        Parasites are not all equals in the eyes of Google. Some can rank higher than others and some live longer. Third party metric from Moz, Semrush, Ahref or Majestic   can give some hint about the potential  of a parasite.

        Domain authority, trust flow, number of inbound links (backlinks) and organic traffic can be indicators. However you will sometime see pages which are ranking very well with a low authority and not many inbound links.

        Do keywords ranking change with google regions when using parasites?


        Yes. Like with a normal website, keywords  ranking depends on  the google region. We noticed that a japanese parasite was doing better in google.jp  compared to google.com. It is our experience also  that a parasite hosted in France was ranking  better in google.fr  regardless the language  used  (French or English).

        parasite seo training 2021




        Sometime parasites are short lived as they get quickly being taking over or blasted by spam. Site owners can take some measures such as  making the page not public. However the real killer is the noindex tag which will prevent the parasite page to be displayed on Google search  results.

        Can a parasite  can also be a backlink?


        It depends  if some links can added to the page and if these links are marked as do-follow or no-follow. For a backlink to work and pass some SEO juice links have  to be do-follow. Of course it is better if link can be contextual e.g surrounded by relevant text. Therefore parasites can be integrated in a link-building campaigns.

        parasite seo training 2021

        Does parasite SEO work in 2021?


        Parasite SEO is nothing new and has been around for more than 10 years. Every year people are asking if parasite SEO is still working. So  yes, parasite SEO still does work in 2021 but it is probably more work then few years ago like many aspect of SEO in general. Will it still work in 2022? Probably yes.

        You will see some parasites  more on the first page of Google than Bing.  For the same queries, it is looks like Bing does a better job as filtering results so parasite SEO is probably a less effective strategy on Bing.

        Best Parasite SEO Platforms


        Thousand of domains are available to do parasite SEO , the most famous ones being Medium and Google Sites. Some web 2.0 like Tumblr can be used as well. Some social media platforms like Instagram can be used as parasite as well.

        Can onpage SEO be done on a parasite hosting ?


        It actually depends on the parasite platform. Some basic onpage can be done on Google Sites with tags (H1,H2, H3). Videos from Vimeo and Youtube can be embedded as well. In some platforms, on page SEO can be limited and in for some not possible at all.

        Is barnacle SEO a black hat or a white hat technique?

        Create a story on your medium account or on a google site connected to your gmail  obviously belongs to White Hat SEO.  It  is considered Black Hat SEO when a website is hacked and pages published  and pdf uploaded on the server without the consent of the owners.


        Barnacle  SEO  pro’s and con’s


        Can rank on page one of google even for  some competitive keywords in a matter of days or weeks.

        Most of the time good  parasites ranks by themselves and do not require link building.

        Most of them are free.

        They can be used for any niche.


        Life span: some parasites can be taken down at any time by the platform owner or by a third party.

        It is our experience that some parasites like Medium are  not stable in the SERP: being on page 1 for few weeks and then gone  completly before coming back to page 2.

        It is time  consuming  to manage and maintain a pool of parasites.

        Web design is  often  limited.

        parasite seo course 2021

        Online Reputation Management | A Case Study

        online reputation management, social media backlash

        This online reputation management case study  is looking at the impact of a   social media backlash on website and other entities when online reputation is actually not managed. Results  will be updated as the story unfolds.


        Online Reputation Management | Timeline of the story

        On April 9th 2021, Vice Asia published an article entitled “These People Were Arrested by the Khmer Rouge and Never Seen Again”. This piece was about the work of a colorist from Mayo Co Ireland named Matt Loughrey (ML) whose main business is to provide image restoration  services online.

        According to the artist, his goal was to humanize the victims of the Khmer Rouge Genocide by colorising some black and white archive pictures. He said this work was commissioned by the victims’ families. These pictures are the property of the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh.

        One day after the story was published, a social media backlash started on Twitter by a tweet from   John Vink,  showing  original S21 photos with the altered ones:  3 of the  photos were altered beyond coloring as Matt Loughrey added a smile to the  victims.

        A growing list of URL’s carrying negative stories  started to appeared online from local to  international newspapers with very high  authority domains such as Reuters, BBC, CNN, New York  Times.

        Publications continued even after Vice pulled out their story on  April 11th and published a weak editorial on April 12th. The peak of publications was reached on April 12th. Vice issued a  stronger apology  on April 16th.

        Note: It is worth noting that none of these stories  linked directly to the My Colorful Past website so did not act as backlinks.

        online reputation management


        What Is Online Reputation Management?

        Online Reputation Management, also known as  ORM, is part of  digital marketing efforts for a  brand, business, or person to put a positive spin about their products or services online. Reputation management can be integrated in a long-time  SEO strategy to monitor and manage  the properties that define an online reputation.

        online reputation SEO


        How to perform an Audit of  Your Online Reputation?

        A ORM’s audit is a bit different that a normal SEO audit: the first step in a e-reputation audit is to list all  assets that belong to the  brand or the  person. These assets or properties can be one or several websites, a Web 2.0 like  Blogger, a YouTube channel, a Facebook or Instagram account, a publishing platforms like Medium.

        URL’s that affect the person or the brand in a negative way have to be listed as well. It can be helpful as well to look at the main website and analyze its strengths and weaknesses.


        Business destroyed by social media

        In extreme cases such as a social media backlash, the negative impact of social media on business is very strong and it explain how can a reputation can be ruined by social media in days.


        Online Reputation Case Study | Free ORM Tools


        It is important when following a developing story like that to track the different assets online and look closely  at the evolution of the SERP to see what Google is rewarding:  i.e what urls will be displayed on page 1 and look at their evolution with time. We will  use Google Alerts to be informed about the latest news as well as  Google Trends.

        We also used Social Searcher to keep up to date with the mention of  Matt Loughrey on the different platforms online (web and social media). To check the domain authority and the type of backlinks we will use the Moz Bar.  SERP tracking is done with serprobot.



        Online Reputation Management |Digital Assets


        Here is the list below of Matt Loughrey’s assets (along with the Moz domain authority DA) we found   including the main  website around the  brand my colorful past based exclusively  on the business of image restoration .

        The website itself has a limited content with a poor onpage SEO. In addition its is build around WIX which is  not an advantage for SEO. The instagram page ranks actually higher  than the website.

        This list is to be expected for an visual artist composed of a website and several accounts on social media as Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

        ML lost quickly his facebook and Twitter account on 12.04.2021  so just one day after the blowback. He managed so far to keep his Instagram account but comments are limited comment and  pictures related to this story and other controversial pictures such as the one from Czeslawa Kwoka, a young victim of the concentration camp of Auschwitz were removed.



        Online Reputation Case Study | Effect of Social Media Backlash


        online reputation case study,online reputation and SEO

        Two things ca potentially works  on opposite way and  influence the ranking of the main website and other assets on the page 1 of Google:

        During a social media backlash, highly authoritative  news’ websites  are quickly ranking  on the first page  pushing down the main website and other assets to page 2. It is likely as well that URL’s  carrying a positive story will be pushed down as well.

        On the other hand, social media signals  can potentially boost the ranking of a website with a search “Matt Loughrey” as this will be mentioned thousand of times during a short period of time and people will visit the main website. As expected as visible on Google Trends below, the search “Matt Loughrey” peaked after the Vice story and faded within a week.


        google trends ORM google trends online reputation management

        Google trends evolution before and after Vice publication

        In most cases, the stories were published with no link to ML’s website so no  backlinks were created.


        Online Reputation Management |  Findings (updated)



        MONTH 1

        The main website went up on the page 1 of Google following the social media backlash from #5 to #3.

        Matt Loughrey reputation  was seriously impacted with up to 8   negative stories on page 1  with the query “matt loughrey”.

        ML lost both his Facebook and Twitter accounts. All content was removed from his YouTube account.

        SERP is not stable yet: Reuters and New York Times stories are doing the so-called Google dance.

        Google seems to give  preference to  stories coming from Irish newspapers as they tend to stay longer on page 1.

        Vice Asia apologized for the story but not ML.


        MONTH 2

        The main website is still  on the top of  Google page #1 taking both position #2 and #3.

        Matt Loughrey reputation  is still  seriously impacted with half of page 1 covered with negative stories.

        Facebook and Twitter accounts are still closed. Instagram is active again.  YouTube still has no content.

        SERP is much stable than last month with three very stable pages from Ireland always on page 1. We can confirm  Google gives  the preference to  stories coming from Irish newspapers.

        Matt Loughrey still did not apologize and no reputation management was done.


        MONTH 3


        The main website starts to go down and now ranks at #3 and #4 in google.com. Instagram account stills ranks on position with the request “Matt Loughrey”.

        7 out of 10 results of page #1 are covering negative stories.

        Matt Loughrey still did not apologize and the petition on change.org is still online and ranks on page 1.


        MONTH 6


        The main website ranks now at #3 on google.com, still riding on the initial boost from the original social media backlash.

        ML’s Instagram account still ranking #1 with the request “Matt Loughrey”. 5 out of 10 results of page #1 are negative stories. Interestingly enough, although ML’s facebook account was disabled 6 months ago few days after the Vice publication, it has been  indexed again by Google and ranks on page 1.

        To this day, Matt Loughrey  did not apologize and operates via its website and Instagram account.




        Covid-19 SEO Strategy

        closed business covid-19 Cambodia


        post covid-19 SEO strategy, SEO Cambodia

        Covid-19 SEO Strategy

        With the  Covid-19 virus still spreading in many countries worldwide and with the traveling restrictions put  in place in Cambodia  since March 2020 most businesses relying solely on tourism came to a standstill in April 2020. Among these businesses the most impacted as the ones we  described earlier in our blog:  spas in Siem Reap, restaurants in Siem Reap, hotels in Siem Reap. Only few businesses have managed to switch to an expanding local tourism but this might be limited in time.

        What are the implications about digital marketing for tour agencies and hospitality businesses  in Siem Reap and in Cambodia in general during this time? Although we can argue about the  timeline of the reopening of borders, the key message is that you need to focus NOW on your SEO strategy so it can have an  impact in few months time when tourism will resume.

        A new normal: doing business post covid-19 will be very different

        To contain the virus, sanitary measures will likely to remain in place in the foreseeable future: wearing  of masks, usage of hand sanitizers, physical distancing.

        Therefore, capacity is likely to go down. For example a movie theater will have a much lower seating capacity due to physical distancing, this will affect  indoor restaurants, conference rooms etc..

        Supply and demand: the number of tourists after covid-19 in Siem Reap will be a fraction to what it was before. The numbers were already down in 2019 and it will be take many years to come back to the levels of 2018  where 2.6 millions tourists visit the temples of Angkor. Actually this number might not be reached again.



        covid-19 strategy: few pointers


        Reassess  your competition

        The competitive landscape of your business is likely to change a lot if it does not already happened. Unfortunately  many businesses will not have the finances to open again in several months. Beside taking a walk around, on place to look  is Google Maps in a 1km circle around  your location to see what business are marked  permanently or temporary  closed. Other sources of information are Trip advisor, facebook pages and OTA’s like booking.com.

        Found new business opportunities and business models

        For restaurants it could mean developing a food delivery service to avoid depending on third party like Food Panda which take a 30% cut. For some others, it could be to start a small online store.


        covid-19 SEO strategy: hire a SEO specialist


        A SEO specialist will be able to help you to frame your digital marketing strategy and even find new opportunities  following a SEO audit.


        For the majority of online marketers , organic search (the realm of SEO) was the top performing channel in front of paid search in 2019. Many customers are relying on Google search and Google Maps to find information and make purchases.

        For example, if you have a restaurant business and want  to develop a food delivery service, being on the first page of Google with the keyword food delivery + city and on the top 3 of Google Maps will be a long-lasting competitive advantage.



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        A Guide To Free Wifi HotSpots at Airports

        free aiport hotspots wifi

        When  traveling  abroad, it i sometime  convenient to get an internet access during transit time at the airport as you might not have  roaming or did not buy a new sim card yet. Many airports worldwide provide  one or more free Wi-Fi hotspots at their terminals.






        Don Mueang was the first international airport in Bangkok, before being replaced by  Suvarnabhumi in 2006. It is one of the oldest in Asia as well with operations started in 1914.  Don Mueang served more than 41 million passengers (both domestic and international) in 2018, a 7 fold increase since 2012. It also is the hub for Air Asia flights.

        Suvarnabhumi airport started his operations in 2006. It was the 21th busiest airport  in the world in 2018 and served more than 60 million passengers in (domestic, international,cargo). Both airports provide two Wi-Fi hotspots.




        1. AOT (Airport of Thailand)


        Service provider: TrueMove

        Wi-Fi name: @AirportTrueFreeWifu

        Free Wi-Fi time: 120 minutes.

        Url: portal.trueinternet.co.th

        Registration: passport number and e-mail


        free airport wifi bangkok




        1. GOOGLE STATION (fast Wi-Fi)


        Service provider: Google, sponsored by CAT

        Wi-Fi name: Free Airport-Google WiFi by CAT

        Free Wi-Fi time: 60 minutes  (multiple logins and logouts possible)

        Url: wifilogin.google.com

        Registration: first and last name, phone number (no confirmation code necessary)

        Google station is a relatively new service available in Thailand rolled out in 2018.  It is  only available in 8 countries so far: India, Philippines, Thailand,Nigeria, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico with multiple venues. Google Station is offered free of charge to the venue with a  monetization via advertising.

        free wifi don mueang airport google station


        free wifi don mueang airport thailand




        Service provider: T-mobile

        Wi-Fi name: Airport-Frankfort

        Free Wi-Fi time: unlimited

        Url: hotspot.t-mobile.net

        Registration: gender, first and last name, E-mail, origin


        free airport wifi frankfort

        free wifi frankfort airport




        SEO Case Study: Hotels in Siem Reap Cambodia

        boutique hotel cambodia

        Blog last updated on July  2019

        We are continuing our SEO case study series (previous ones were about  luxury spas and restaurants)  with an analysis of the hospitality business in Siem Reap. This blog was updated in December 2021 almost 2 years into the covid-19 pandemic.


        Siem Reap  has witnessed a explosion in the numbers of hotels in the past 20 years alternating periods of undersupply and oversupply. In 2002, only 47 hotels were registered (guesthouses not included) which at the time was not enough to accommodate the growing numbers of tourists visiting the temples of Angkor.

        Fast-track to 2012, this year saw a  ”siem reap boutique hotel fever ” and the next few years  saw more constructions  leading to an oversupply and to a drop in the daily rates.

        At the same time, long time established luxury hotels  like the Raffles and Amansara were faced with more  competition. Accommodations geared towards backpackers expanded as well with both private rooms and dorms.

        In 2019, you could find all types of accommodations  in Siem Reap: small villa hotels, boutique hotels, container hotels, capsule hotels, private bungalows or villa, luxury tents with a price ranging  from  USD 2  in a dorm to several thousand  dollars per night in the most luxurious hotels.

        In  July 2019,  hotels  are still being built but many are closing down. At the same time, the tourism is down in temple city   and this trend is expecting to continue all through the the year. At the time of writing, 728 properties were listed on Booking , 768 on Expedia, where as 3027 are available on Agoda. Many hotels are also listed on AirBnB….

        Looking at the same platforms in december 2021, we found only 273 properties on Booking, 724 on Agoda which shows partially the impact of covid-19, the real number being likely lower.




        You are probably using social media like facebook, instagram or twitter to  keep your audience up to date with images and videos. You are likely to be satisfied with the many likes you have but is your social media bring you new bookinks every month.

        People seeing the posts are most likely not looking to book a boutique hotel in siem reap for their holidays.

        When people go on search engines like Google and are type booking boutique hotel in siem reap there is actually a search intent and they will visit only teh webpages which are on the page of results. This is where SEO works and give you visibility on many keywords on the first page of Google.